About Me

My name is Renata Downing and I am 58 years of age. 

I am the Marketing Manager of a training organisation.  The domain of marketing has taken on a new dimension with viral marketing strategies applied through the effective use of all the tools that Web 2.0 has to offer in order to reach and communicate with our target markets. I am doing Web101 online with Curtin University to learn to do just that.

I was born in Slovenia, schooled and raised in France, studied in Germany, lived in the USA for quite a while as well as South Africa where I met (rather late in life) the man who became my husband and with whom I have 2 amazing daughters and now reside in Australia. People get very confused when they hear my accent because they cannot figure out where I come from (I get quite confused sometimes myself as to where I come from!! “Beam me up Scotty!!”).

I love bike riding, painting and I am very creative; I love to read and I want to write a book before I am done with my time on this earth; but mostly I am a people person and I love to work with people in a training environment. 

Through all my travels and through all the amazing folks I met, regardless of borders and cultures, I have come to know that we all have the same story to tell. 

I am hoping my blog is a taste of that story.

Some well-known people had an amazing journey and an amazing story to tell which, in one way or another, is an inspiration to us all.  I have used these stories of “triumph over adversity” in the hope it will impact on you as they have on me.

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